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The Best Classic Car Insurance Plan

One can't help but to stop and take a closer look once he sees a classic or vintage car on the road. Classic cars are usually admired for their unique style and beauty. They are usually best cared for and properly maintained to preserve their market value.

It is important that you insure your vintage cars with classic car insurance from Leland West Insurance instead of the standard car insurance to avail of the plan that is seemingly fitted to your needs. In most cases, the insurance premiums of a classic insurance is much lesser compare to a standard insurance basically because they are older, best taken care of and cover minimal miles; thus lesser risk for accidents.

Criteria for Classic Cars

If your car is less than 15 years old, it is classified as exotic car. Cars ageing from 15-19 years old are categorized as collectibles; while those which are 20-24 years old are considered classic cars. Antique cars are those ageing from 25 years and above. Cars that are manufactured from 1949 to present are known as custom cars while those exist before 1949 are known as street rods.

Limitations for Classic Car Insurance

Classic car insurance is pretty much cheaper because of the following limitations the car owner should observe.

  • Limited Mileage - most classic car insurance maintain a mileage not greater than 2,500 miles.
  • Not for Everyday Use - classic cars are not intended for your everyday use. Use them only in car shows and parades.
  • Well Secured Garage - Your classic car should be put in a well secured garage. Never leave them unattended in public parking areas.

Basic Considerations when Opting for Classic Car Insurance

Here are some of the basic considerations you need to look at when planning to buy classic car insurance.

  • Agreed Value Coverage - in the case of damage or loss, the company will pay you the agreed value, which is the value set by the company and the owner regardless of its true market value.
  • Discount Programs - ask for any discounts that you can avail to reduce your premiums
  • Choice of Auto Repair Shops - check with the company if you are given the option to choose your own repair shop.
  • Usage and Mileage Limitations - find the most appropriate insurance plan based from your usage and mileage projection.
  • Comprehensive Coverage - covers loss or damages brought about by catastrophic incidences like fire or even thefts.
  • Reputable Insurance Company - find a company that has a favorable record and willing to pay all obligations and claims.

Excluding your Classic Car from your Car Insurance Policy

It maybe a common practice to include your classic car in your existing car insurance policy. But doing so may be costly and unfair on your part. Your car will not be able to take possible advantages unlike when covered with classic car insurance.

To conclude, you have to find the right company that recognizes the importance of classic cars. They should understand their significance just the way you do.

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