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Your Credit Rating Will Affect Your Car Insurance Policy

As a rule, if you don't have a good credit rating then they will automatically place you in the high risk zone and quote you a higher rate. So it is very important to pay all your bills, financial payments and other obligations on time because all the insurance companies will closely look at all these factors. Even if you are late on just 2 credit card payments then that can have adverse affect on your policy price. It doesn't really matter if you have been with the same insurance company for a couple of years because they will quote you a higher rate if they see any negative fluctuation in your credit history.

A lot of people will ask the insurance company that how does a bad credit history affect their policy quote. The simple answer for this question by most of the costumers is that if they are not responsible with their payments and money matters then in most cases they might not be that responsible on the road either and just this factor will escalate their insurance policy price. The increase in the price will depend from company to company but they are at complete discretion to increase the price by as much as they want to cover all the grounds. The way insurance company sees things is that if you are responsible and managing your finances properly then the chances is that you would be that much more careful behind the wheel also. This of course can prove to be a negative factor for people who are struggling financially and with the added burden of increased insurance costs it can further alleviate their not so good financial conditions.

A lot of people are under the impression and rightfully too that this system adopted by the insurance companies is not really fair especially to the blue collar workers. Since they are the working class and always struggling with their finances so they are the ones who will always get hit by these criteria set forth by the insurance companies. A classic example would that if a blue collar worker has to go through a medical emergency and is unable to work for sometime then automatically they will miss on some payments either of their home loan or credit card and this thing will bite them even deeper when their car insurance companies also start charging them extra for such instances.

Either way, if one is to secure the best deal with the insurance companies then with all said and done, a clean and a good credit history is extremely important. Since almost all the companies will look at your credit score before insuring your car so it will only work towards your benefit if you are up to date with your finances and have a clean record.

For more information about Antique and Classic Car Insurance consider Leland West Insurance where you will get a comprehensive guide to antique car insurance.

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